Books By Robert Bacal: Ideal For Use By Trainers, Group Leaders And Instructional Designers
Important (Pricing)
Often we are not in control of the prices that retailers set for our books (amazon, for example). They change fairly often, so we've decided not to put prices on this page.
I know. I hate it too, but we'd rather not have incorrect prices, than no prices at all. When you click on the links for more information, we'll include prices when it is possible.
Remember, too that for some of our books we offer trainers, managers, and others the ability to save signficantly to licence our content or to buy mulitple copies.
My books listed below can be used by instructional designers, trainers and group discussion leaders as the basis for seminars and training sessions, since they are written to be practical, and the content set up modeled on actual training sessions. This addresses one of the time consuming factors for trainers and instructional designers -- researching content.
It's relatively easy to take the content from many of these books, and build in learning activities, so you can do rapid course development whether you are doing face-to-face training, e-learning, or coming up with short instructional sequences lunch hours. Also great as a basis for discussion at staff meetings.
Our two "large" books on dealing with difficult and angry customers (Defusing Hostile Customer Workbook, and If It Wasnt' For The Customers, I'd Really Like This Job), have been used by a number of organizations and trainers in them as a basis for course design and delivery. They've also been used on a smaller scale to serve as reference books in organizations like Parks Canada.
Check Out Our Job Aids And Mini-Guides - Ideal As Training Takeaways
Don't miss our "shorter form" mini-guides that we've produced to serve as summaries of various topics like performance reviews, conflict management, interpersonal communication, management and leadership. They have incredible value as course handouts, and training takeaways. To view our mini-guides, click here. (Note: many of our books and mini-guides can be bulk licenced so you can save up to 85% if you purchase in volume).
Seminar In A Book On Defusing Difficult Customers. Complete With Exercises and Homework
Based on our seminar, this isn't a rehash of the usual tips to deal with difficult customers. Written for government, but over 100+ techniques work anywhere. Contains dozens of exercises, "homework" with a special focus on transfering the techniques to the workplace.
Our Best Selling Customer Service Book
All of the techniques from our other books for dealing with angry customers, but without the exercises. A cut above the usual "don't take it personally" advice. Ideal for trainers who want to put together a course on dealing with difficult and angry customers. Take the content, incorporate some learning activities and you are ready to go.
More than just phrases. learn customer service strategies for any customer situation. problem solving oriented.
One of my favorites, due to the economy of words, AND economy of price (around $10.00) Learn what to say in a number of challenging cusotmer service situations!
The "Short" Guide To Performance Management
In a hurry to improve performance management in your organization? This 50+ page guide is meant for HR and managers who want to learn how to make performance management and reviews work in THIS century.
Better Relationships By Learning What To Say, and What NOT To Say
Learn to cut down the confict in your personal and work life, by eliminating the gas you throw on the fire when disagreements occur. 101 phrases you should never use with family, friends, coworkers, and intimates, particularly spouses. This book teaches you what to say to cool tempers, and prevent emotional conflict.
Read More Details About This Low Cost Book To Help With Your Relationships At Home And At Work
For Teachers and Educators: Building Relationships WIth Emotional Parents
The educational research is clear. Kids who have parents involved in their education do much better. It has to be the "right" involvement, and teachers are dealing with emotional, even angry parents every day. In this groundbreaking book for educations, we teach how to deal with the most difficult parent-teacher interactions.
Learn To Prevent Unnecessary Conflict At Work
A completely different approach to workplace conflict. In this 110+ page book, we teach you how to modify your language - WHAT you say, so you don't accidentally cause conflict at work. We ALL use the wrong types of language, at least sometimes. Now you can learn how to stop using conflict starting language, and start using cooperative language.
Learn More About The Book Content And using It in Your Training Seminars
Everything You Need To Develop and Use A Performance Management System
Now in its second edition and published by McGraw-Hill, this is a readable and complete book that covers all aspects of managing employee performance to improve productivity.
More Info and Get Your Copy Performance Management - A Briefcase Book At Amazon
Much More Than Just Performance Review Phrases
In this second edition, we moved our employee review phrase book way beyond others by explaining HOW to use the phrases in the book. Former best seller on the BusinessWeek list.
Info/Buy Perfect Phrases for Performance Reviews 2/E -
Setting Employee Goals Is The Foundation For Making Employee Reviews Work
If you aren't setting goals for employees, not only are you missing out, but you are creating loads of extra work for YOURSELF, as a manager. We walk you through the various kinds of goals, shatter a few myths, and provide hundreds of examples.
More Info About The Book And Buy Perfect Phrases for Setting Performance Goals
A Must Read For Any Small Business Owner
Unfortunately, misnamed by the publisher, this book isn't about "phrases" but about business strategy, and covers everything from writing business plans to the importance of customer service. An absolutely remarkable book for about $10.00
Buy Perfect Phrases for Managing Your Small Business At Amazon -
A Bundle of Three Books To Help Managers Improve
Combines two of my books on performance reviews with a book on how to improve employee motivation. Not just for beginning supervisors. Even experienced managers will pick up some valuable tips. 576 pages and you get three books for the cost of two, and it's still under $20.00.
Let's Focus On Doing Performance Reviews PROPERLY
Managers and employees hate employee performance reviews, and for good reason. They are usually done poorly, have little ability to improve performance, because they aren't done right. Learn how to do them properly in this McGraw-Hill Briefcase book.
More information and Buying Information From Amazon - The Manager's Guide to Performance Reviews -
Ideal For Those Who Want To Enter The Consulting World, or Long Time Pros.
Unfortunately, officially out of print. Highly reviewed book on consulting, including coverage of ethics, defining the customer, the business of consulting and a lot more.
You may be able to find used copies by clicking the link below. I have a few leftovers, so email me at [email protected]Check Amazon for availability, and information about the contents of this great book for consultants
Practical Tips For Dealing With Difficult Employeesl
Unfortunately, also out of print, but used copies may be available. Written primarily for managers and supervisors, a lot of the advice in this book can be applied to employee to employee problems. I have a few copies left. Email if you can't find one elsewhere.
To Fix Your Performance Management System, First You Have To Understand Why It's Failing You
A short book of about fifty pages, you'll learn why most performance management and review systems fail to add value to the organization, and why they drive both managers and employees crazy. Available only in downloadable PDF format.