Difficult, Manipulative, Angry Customers Getting To You?

For Trainers

This and The Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook are often used as a basis for the design and delivery of customer service courses by our clients.

For both budget reasons, and a desire to customize seminars to suit the specific organization, our book clients use our material as source material, or decide to offer training participants their own complete copy of this and our other book.

One reason is that both books were written to reflect how our actual live seminars work, so they are consistent with live training.

We make it cost effective for you to use our books to design and deliver training, or include them as premium takeaways for your seminars that can be used "on the job", but offering very large bulk discounts. We negotiate on a case by case basis, so don't let cost get in the way of using our books! (email us at ceo@work911com for more information).

If It Wasn't For The Customers, I'd Really Like This Job: Stop Angry, Hostile Customers COLD While Remaining Professional, Stress Free, Efficient and Cool As A Cucumber!

If difficult, angry, hostile, manipulative and problematic customers are your problem, here's the solution.

You work with customers. Almost all of us do. Each day you spend time and energy serving customers who are unreasonable, stubborn, angry, hostile, even manipulative and this affects your satisfaction with your job. It's time consuming. It's stressful, and you may even end up "bringing your customers home" with you after your working day has ended. Sure, nasty customers are in the minority, but they eat up your day, and your mentail health.

It's no easy task dealing with the tough customers in a professional and effective way that reflects positively on you, and on your organization, particularly when you haven't received a lot of help developing the essential defusing skills you can use to take control of difficult client interactions, get customers to listen, and help them as best you can.

Here's A Solution to Tough Customer Woes

We've taken over 120 tactics, techniques and customer interaction skills from our two day Defusing Hostile Customers Seminar and produced a guide so you can learn these skills at your own speed and convenience. The tactics are based on firm psychological and psycholinguistic foundations, and a number have been generated by people just like you -- customer service representatives and managers who deal with difficult customer every day. They work. Guaranteed.

What Will You Learn?

    Here are just a few of the results you can create for yourself and your organization. You will learn how to:

  • Stop customers from "ranting", and get them to listen to you, so you can help them.
  • Shorten the time it takes to deal with the most demanding customers, while still being both helpful and professional.
  • Stay in control over your own emotions and reactions, even when the customer is abusive, personally attacking, or completely unfair.
  • Set limits when customers become abusive, or behave inappropriately, and enforce those limits safely and professionally.
  • Use language to PREVENT customer interactions from escalating into all out disaster.
  • Start interactions in ways that will both acknowledge the customer's concerns, and set the stage for cooperative and useful conversations.
  • Time and sequence what you say and do so you can quickly calm down customers and get down to addressing their issues.
  • Counter non-verbal intimidation safely and effectively -- i.e. know what to do when people stand in your personal space, glare, pound the table, or otherwise "act out" in attempts to put you off balance.
  • Refer customers to supervisors or third parties to take advantage of the "higher status of third parties in", without "passing the buck".
  • How to deal with customer friends, family members, and/or audiences when they interfere, or impede providing professional service.
  • When and how to respond to customer complaints in social media, and email.
  • Politely stop a customer's ranting over the phone.
  • Combine techniques to cut down the amount of time you spend with an angry customer while at the same time increasing customer satisfaction
  • Respond to personal insults made by customers
  • Bring a conversation that's going nowhere to an end without offending the customer
  • Stop an aggressive customer "cold" by applying a number of known psychological factors
  • Team up with a co-worker to defuse even the most demanding customers
  • Control yourself in the face of your own stress and frustration when dealing with a "tough customer"
  • Set limits for customers and enforce them
  • Use email effectively for customer service and know when to rely on it or switch to the phone
  • Understand the limits of social media with respect to customer service
  • Get noticed by your customers, co-workers and manager as someone who is "cool as a cucumber" under pressure

Unique, Powerful, Get It Now

There are dozens of books on customer service out there, but THIS book drills down past the generalities, and "smile" training and learning that characterizes many of them. You will learn what to say, and what to do in most difficult customer service situations you will ever encounter.


Ordering is simple because It It Wasn't For The Customer, I'd Really Like This Job, is available in three different formats:

In Print: Buy It From Amazon - If It Wasn't For The Customers I'd Really Like This Job: Stop Angry, Hostile Customers COLD While Remaining Professional, Stress Free, Efficient and Cool As A Cucumber.

In Kindle Format: Get It Direct From Amazon and have it delivered right to your Kindle now. Stop Angry, Hostile Customers COLD While Remaining Professional, Stress Free, Efficient and Cool As A Cucumber

Get your copy, share with your spouse or family. Instant download

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Bacal & Associates is a small training, consulting and publishing company specializing in customer service, communication, performance management, and other management challenges.

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