Training, Learning And Presentation Wisdom

Training And Learning Wisdom

On this page you'll find longer articles on various aspects of training. We focus not only on helping trainers, but on assisting the buyers and customers of training. Articles are arranged by topic.

New, Recent And Featured:

The Special Moments That Make Training and Teaching Worthwhile

How To Make, Or Not Make A Good Impression, On The First Day Of Class (or the incredible urinary event) Part I.

The "Make It All Worthwhile" Of The First Day: Making Impressions #2

Training Essentials

Return On Investment and Training Value

Looking for help on increasing the effectiveness of training, and improving return on investment? The material below will provide you with ideas, hints and advice on the topic.

Maximizing Training Effectiveness and Improving Learning

Technologies And Training

With the development of various technologies, the application of telecommunication, computers and the Internet to the function of training delivery have skyrocketed. It remains to be seen if the use of technologies in training is actually effective. Here you will find general discussions of this issue, and hints, tips and advice on the use of technology applied to training.

Training Activities, Games, Etc.

Training games and activities are valuable additions to most training programs, and almost always included in training seminars. However they are sometimes overused, and/or used improperly.

Managing Training and Learning With Learning Management Systems (LMS)

LMS or learning management software has become very popular. Users and companies are using these systems to track training, and with the more advanced software packages, to actually help with the design and delivery of training.

Oh, Those Wacky Trainers and Facilitators

Sad to say, the training profession, like any other, has its share (and perhaps more of its share) of flakes, nutcakes, and to be honest, unskilled, ignorant, or otherwise misinformed people. In this section we'll present articles and ideas that (at least to us) reflect the worst thinking about training that occurs from within the profession.

For Learners and Participants - Getting The Most From Going To Training

Training can be expensive so it's pretty remarkable that a lot of training goes to waste because it's not planned for. It's possible to increase the return on investment for training dollars, and some of that responsibility rests with those that attend training.

Maximize Your Learning From Going to Training Seminars

Onboarding and Orientation of New Hires/Employees


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Bacal & Associates is a small training, consulting and publishing company specializing in customer service, communication, performance management, and other management challenges.

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