Classroom Stories: What Makes It All Worthwhile

Teaching at any level can be daunting, and the earlier in our careers we are, the more anxiety we tend to experience walking into a classroom.

These classroom "jobs" are demanding, and important whether we are teaching little kindergarten kids, or graduate students. After all, our work, if well done, can shape the future of these individuals, and of our society.

But that doesn't stop us from having nerves, and even making mistakes that might make us silly, angry, frustrated and so on.

There are days when you might just want to chuck it. Get a different job. Find a careeer that doesn't involve putting yourself on the line and in public.

But the risks and perils of teacherhood disapear when you are gifted an "it's all worthwhile moment".

It might be a student from the past seeking you out ten years later to thank you. Or discovering one of your students won a prize recognizing his or her accomplishments.

These "it's all worthwhile moments" can come from anywhere, at anytime.

I've had a few of these moments. I've been teaching and involved in classroom work for some forty years now, so I decided to share some of my moments with you. Some are funny. Some not. Well, most are funny to me.

My Make It All Worthwhile Moments In The Classroom

Robert's First Day Teaching (and his unplanned urinary event) Part 1
Robert starts his first day of college teaching in an unusual way, making a big splash first impression with his new boss, and his class, part 1

First Impressions, Continued: Robert's Wet Underwear Part Two
Robert shares the outcomes from his unplanned "urinary event", and what it made it all worth while.

Robert Deals With A Classroom Emergency, Alcoholism and Assault Potential
An adult student learns that his wife in his hometown was caught in an adulterous relationship while he was off attending Robert's course.

Participant Has An AHA Moment About How She Communicates With Her Children
At the end of a group session on workplace communication, an attendee shares a shocking moment of self-awareness.

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