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First Training and Development Crossword Puzzle


Using fun methods for instruction and review of training content is becoming more popular, and for good reason. We want to make the process more engaging for learners. So, why not apply that to trainers, and training trainers.


Below you'll find our first Bacal & Associates Crossword Puzzle For Trainers.


You can, of course take it yourself interactively. You can also make use of it with trainers in your organization by printing out the puzzle, clues and answer page, and using them in training sessions.


You can also direct people to this page or use the puzzle FROM this page directly (For example, working through it with a group of people provided you are doing so from this page.)


You CANNOT however place this on any website, host the code or otherwise use it in electronic format without permission. This puzzle is copyright Bacal & Associates, 2015.



Training and Development Crossword Puzzle

Copyright 2015 by Robert Bacal (Bacal & Associates) #T1.1

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number. If you would like to view the completed puzzle, click on the completed puzzle link below to view it in a new window.
  1    2     3               
4             5           
       6             7    
9     10       11      12          
13                14        
 15           16            
17           18        19       
              21       22   
   23            24         


2. The first minutes after ______ trainers need to rebuild attention and focus and get learners back to "learning" so they will put aside distractions.
4. Abbreviation for a person who is considered as knowledgable in his or her field and contributes to the development of training content and objectives.
6. Most well known model for instructional design.
8. Unfortunately, adults don't always act or behave the way ______ outlined in his theory.
9. An ____ ____ is a word, often used in a learning objective, that describes something a person is to be able to DO, and is preferably observable or measurable.
12. The ______ effect is that term that is used for a person's reaction to seeing him or herself on video. It can be traumatic or interfere with learning, so trainers using video feedback need to know how to counter it.
13. The biggest flaw with _______ is that in a classroom, most learners won't receive feedback from an expert or someone who is more expert than themselves, and often the feedback they do get is weak or incorrect.
14. Humans are genetically _____ which is one reason that online learning is not as effective as some believe. Face to face contact is built in to humans.
15. Introducing instructional elements incorporating ______ tends to help build and keep learner attention.
16. _______ variation is a family of techniques that are used specifically to develop and maintain learner attention throughout the whole instructional process,. Based on biological determinants of attention.
17. A tool for ensuring participants return from breaks and lunch on time.
18. A followup question that asks someone else in the group to provide their answer or opinion based on one of someone elses'
20. A ________ check is a quick way for a trainer to gauge how the learners are perceiving the training. For example, having each person write down a single word at the end of the day that represents their gut reaction.
21. Research going back decades refutes the idea that trainer's need to cater to learning _____. It's a myth.
23. _______ evaluation of a learner's progress OR the success of a training course is used to evaluate the overall effectiveness or success of the training and learning.
25. A checklist and a knowledge base are good examples of a ______ and can improve application of what's learned.
26. The simplest, most basic criteria developed by Kirkpatrick to evaluate the success of training.
27. Things that are unusual tend to build learn attention because of the _____ principle.


1. Never ______ verbatim what you are showing in a powerpoint slide. It's wasteful, and actually makes learning less effective.
2. The technical term for an inert learner in training. Sometimes combined with the word "of" and a descriptor.
3. Human beings are wired to pay attention to variations in their environments so they wont' get eaten. That's why you must introduce a lot of ______ in interaction types.
4. The maximum number of bullet points on a single powerpoint slide. Less is even better.
5. The ultimate ____ of training effectiveness is whether people can change their work behavior, but it's very rare that this is assessed in any objective way.
7. Usually incredibly boring, over-simplified and much too short to yield worthwhile learning. Often used as a tease to get learners to pay for a "real" course, and otherwise a low overhead method for trainers to fleece people.
10. Unless ____________ have some specific learning purpose, or tie in directly to achieving course objectives, they tend to be boring wastes of time that could be better used.
11. Acronym for the FIFTH criteria for training effectiveness, and unlike the others NOT postulated by Kirkpatrick.
12. Analysis and application are both parts of Bloom' Taxonomy for the ______ domain.
17. Without ______ committing to and reinforcing the use of what is supposed to be learned in training, chances are that the investment in staff training will be wasted.
19. A learning _____ is one way to increase the cost effective of training provided the manager or supervisor is involved in creating it.
22. A quiet or ____ training attendee can be learning as much as his or her more vocal counter-parts.
24. Avoid being tied to your _____ by using your powerpoint slides as a replacement to help you keep track of your progress and what's next.

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