No instructional method is perfect for every learning context or content. So, what are the strengths, and appropriate applications of the case method / case studies? Here's a brief listing of potential benefits and applicabilities of what is essentially a problem-solving method:
- Can create the need to know by evoking curiousity.
- Provides an opportunity to think about application and practice, not just theory.
- Helps with development and application of critical thinking skills.
- Enhance the listening/cooperative learning skills.
- Develop problem solving skills.
- Encourages examination of multiple points of view/hearing various voices.
- Builds partnership/collegiality among learners and teacher.
- Encourages attention to and self-consciousness about assumptions and conceptions,
- Reflects the contextual, situated, complex nature or knowledge.
- Teaches students that there may not be one "right" answer, after all.
- Illustrates interaction among variables (especially human ones).