Instructional Design Questions and Answers By Robert Bacal
As with many things, when you observe an expert practioner, often the actions of the person seem to be easy. That's because you don't see the preparation and background work that goes into the task which is all but invisible. It's no different in instruction and training. People don't see the upfront work that goes into designing an effective training session. On this page you'll find more information about how to design training and instruction.
- What is instructional design?
- Why is instructional design considered as a system?
- What is the relationship between an instructional design model and a learning model?
- Is there a "best" instructional design model to follow?
- How long does it take to design an instructional activity?
Instructional Design Models and Approaches
- What does ADDIE stand for?
- What are Gagne's nine events of instruction?
- What is the Jerrold Kemp Instructional Design Process or Model?