Top : Distance Education:
Distance education provides an alternate form of learning for those that cannot dedicate themselves to full time study. While it can b e viable alternative to in residence programs, it's important to understand what it is and isn't, how the industry works, and how to distinguish between reputable vendors and fly by night operators.
Research demonstrates that immediacy or pro-social behaviors positively correlate with both affective and cognitive learning in the face-to-face classroom setting. Early findings suggest that similar results may be obtained in the online setting. In short, understanding how to build and manage a positive social dynamic can encourage knowledge construction in ways that extend learning opportunities in the online classroom. Hits: 85 )
Learn about the advantages of interactive videoconferencing. Also learn how to work within the tecnical contraints. Hits: 73 )
Proposes a model of Web-based pedagogy in order to discuss the role of pre-assessment measures that affect the quality, pedagogical integrity and learning experience for all involved in Web-based learning. Hits: 70 )
This research describes the preferences for course content and course structure, in addition to the demographic characteristics of those respondents who indicated an interest in distance education. Several significant differences between those who prefer distance education and those who prefer live lecture are discussed. Hits: 84 )
Before jumping into a distance education program, please review the author's dos and donts (important rules) of distance learning. Hits: 295 )
Here are some of the benefits as well as some of the pitfalls of distance education courses. Hits: 182 )
A personal self-assessment for instructors to determine their readiness to put their classes online. Hits: 87 )
A diploma mill is a actually a business that makes a profit by disguising itself as a legitimate college, university, or school. A diploma mill (or "degree mill") will pose as a real university and rewards degrees without evaluating any (or very little) academic work from its "students." They make money by selling printed degrees and providing academic references and falsified transcripts to individuals who purchase degrees from them. (This is excellent and a must read for anyone looking to find distance education schools.) Hits: 384 )
Includes instructional strategies for using compressed video. Also what you need to know about lesson planning when you use interactive videoconferencing for distance education. Hits: 71 )
Is the money allocated to institutional distance education getting the results on the back end in terms of student achievement? A literature review of cost analysis studies on distance education is presented with three themes factored out from those studies: Costs (Institutional and student costs), Reach, and Richness (cost to the student). Hits: 251 )
You'll find these various tips useful. Learn some best practices for videoconference delivery. There is also a tip dedicated to usability and readability for on-line educational materials. Hits: 152 )
Currently, there exists six academic values. The author attaches a distance-learning-related challenge to each value. These values, and their related challenges are presented here. Hits: 119 )
Web-based learning and teaching is a rapidly growing area in education. Traditional forms of distance education are being transformed as the Internet becomes the new medium for communication. Web-based course delivery can offer a vibrant learning environment created through different teaching strategies, activities, and technologies. This paper briefly outlines some of the literature relevant to this new educational milieu providing insight into constructivist epistemology, situated learning, cognitive apprenticeship, and instructional design of web-based learning. Hits: 87 )
This guide is divided into 12 chapters and includes references and a glossary. Chapters address areas such as applications and available technologies Hits: 92 )
Presents a set of common sense principles and guidelines that instructors should consider when designing an online course. Hits: 71 )
Distance education programs pose a new opportunity for faculty educators and librarians to form partnerships. While this is certainly not a new concept, it is one that needs to be refreshed and strengthened as distance education is developed on academic campuses. The role of the library is too often an afterthought not considered an integral part of the planning process. Many argue however that the benefits of early planning and an integrated partnership are not to be ignored. Hits: 117 )
Contains a list of references to help distance educators assess student learning. Some of the references are related to assessment in general - since the first report found that most assessment techniques could be applied to all learning regardless of delivery modality. Hits: 73 )
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