Top : Twitter Learning and Training:
Now people are saying that trainers and teachers must use Twitter in their own learning and to teach others. Fad? Silly? We explore the uses of Twitter for learning and training, and education, in this section
Extensive guide to using twitter for teachers, and I mean REALLY extensive. Great starting point. Hits: 249 )
Blog post with real life examples of how Twitter is or can be used in higher education and Academia Hits: 288 )
If nothing else this is fun. But it's always good to know who to pay attention to in the vast world of Twitter and learning. Hits: 176 )
What's the point of Twitter? Why should educators get involved? What difference does using Twitter make? Here are some answers that you might like to share. Hits: 260 )
Links and resources regarding the use of Twitter in higher education. Hits: 185 )
Twenty-Five Interesting Ways* to use Twitter in the Classroom Good looking slide show that suggests ways Twitter can be used effectively in the classroom Hits: 176 )
Frankly, I don't know what to make of this article. But it is about Twitter, and learning, or at least, it purports to be. Hits: 196 )
(ASTD is pushing social media heavily as a learning and training solution. Personally I find their stance biased and worrisome...so beware of what may be propaganda) Savvy trainers are using micro-blogging to foster informal learning and meet likeminded peers. Hits: 183 )
Facebook may be the social medium of choice for college students, but the microblogging Web tool Twitter has found adherents among professors, many of whom are starting to experiment with it as a teaching device. People use Twitter to broadcast bite-sized messages or Web links and to read messages or links posted by others. It can be used as a source of news, to listen to what people in certain groups are talking about, or to communicate with experts or leaders in certain fields. Hits: 293 )
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