A fast paced nine minute video documenting how one high school teacher is actually teaching music over the Internet, and apparently successfully. The production of this video is interesting, since it reflects some of the techniques that can be used to create interesting elearning instruction. It's a worthwhile video because it shows how one can use elearning to teach even very artistic material.
Here's the original description:
Can you teach music over the Internet? How? Can you teach with Youtube? Nirvana? Piczo? Audacity? Billboard? Newsfeeds? Can you teach in a way that is engaging for the learner?
What does it mean to be a learner-centered teacher of music in a technology-mediated context? I created this video to answer this question. The video is a knowledge mobilization outcome that is part of of a collaborative inquiry in which Andrew Mercer(the teacher profiled in the video) and Andrea Rose, School of Music, Memorial University are participating.
The project is funded through a grant for a Community University Research Alliance (CURA) on e-learning from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada. Visit http://www.killickcentre.ca for the project information.