Presenting To Difficult/Hostile Groups Helpcard

Presenting To Resistant/Difficult Groups Help Card

Ideal For Seminars And Training For Managers, AND To Use In Public Speaking Workshops

This is an ESSENTIAL set of skills for anyone who trains, deals with media, or gives presentations to groups who may not be keen on the message that has to be communicated.

Ideal for inclusion in training in media relations, giving bad news, communicating both within and external to the company.

It's a great handout for seminars, and of course, it's important for trainers to be able to deal with resistant groups.

You can learn to improve and manage your presentations in situations where your audience is resistant or does not want to hear what you have to tell them. Reduce heckling and manage the process.

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The Point: Whether you do occasional speeches and presentations or you do them more often, eventually you are going to come across situations where one or more people in your audience are resistant to your message. That can manifest itself in some pretty harrowing behavior, from challenging you, to outright heckling. How you conduct yourself in these situations will determine whether you succeed, or fail miserably. Knowing how to handle these situations will also help you reduce stress associated with public speaking.

What's Included: Presenting To Difficult & Hostile Groups Helpcard is an essential tool for any public speaker or anyone who works with groups. Need to make a presentation to "the brass"? This will help. Have to talk to a group of people you KNOW aren't going to be happy about what you need to say? This will help.. It's a fast way of learning:

  • How to PREVENT heckling
  • How to IMPROVE listening
  • How to DEAL with objections
  • How to MANAGE challenges and confrontation

Learning these advanced speaking and group techniques can help you build better links with your audience, and reduce resistance and objections. Designed so you can review it before each presentation you give.

Use: We recommend this card to anyone who delivers presentations, formally or informally, since it will help you counter resistance and stay cool under fire. Some public speaking trainers use this card with the people they train to remind them how to stay cool.

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