Top : Cognitive Science and Learning:

Emerging in a formal and more widespread form in the period between 1970-2000 cognitive science has added a great deal to our understanding of how people learn. It's still a young pup, but every trainer and educator should have some understanding of this fascinating field.

Implications of Cognitive Neuroscience for Education on Vimeo By U. of Oregon
n this final part of his interview, Dr. Michael Posner from the University of Oregon describes how general principles of brain development and brain function have been applied to educational practice. Dr. Posner specifically highlights the improved understanding of the cognitive processes in reading and executive attentional control as examples of how modern cognitive neuroscience can inform educational approaches. The interview was again conducated by Justin Mayes, a beginning graduate student in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Oregon. Hits: 221 )

Cognitive Science (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) By na
Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary study of mind and intelligence, embracing philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology. Its intellectual origins are in the mid-1950s when researchers in several fields began to develop theories of mind based on complex representations and computational procedures. Its organizational origins are in the mid-1970s when the Cognitive Science Society was formed and the journal Cognitive Science began. Since then, more than seventy universities in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia have established cognitive science programs, and many others have instituted courses in cognitive science Hits: 168 )

Dissecting Practical Intelligence Theory: Its Claims and Evidence (Journal Article By Linda S. Gottfredson
(Critique of)Sternberg et al. [Sternberg, R. J., Forsythe, G. B., Hedlund, J., Horvath, J. A., Wagner, R. K., Williams, W. M., Snook, S. A., Grigorenko, E. L. (2000). Practical intelligence in everyday life. New York: Cambridge University Press] review the theoretical and empirical supports for their bold claim that there exists a general factor of practical intelligence that is distinct from ‘‘academic intelligence’’ ( g) and which predicts future success as well as g, if not better. The evidence collapses, however, upon close examination. Their two key theoretical propositions are made plausible only by ignoring the considerable evidence contradicting them. Their six key empirical claims rest primarily on the illusion of evidence, which is enhanced by the selective reporting of results. Their small set of usually poorly documented studies on the correlates of tacit knowledge (the ‘‘important aspect of practical intelligence’’) in five occupations cannot, whatever the results, do what the work is said to have done— dethroned g as the only highly general mental ability or intelligence. Hits: 327 )

Selective Attention (auditory demonstration) | Go Cognitive By na
This demonstrations allows you to explore a number of variables relevant for selective attention. It provides the ability to create separate streams of verbal information (in this case digits) that you can listen to. You can choose one or multiple speakers, different spatial locations, and even situations where the same speaker's voice is present at different locations simultaneously. Your task is to monitor one speaker at a particular location, or a small number of speakers at a number of different locations, and indicate when a target digit has been spoken, while at the same time trying to ignore all of the other speakers, locations, and non-target digits. Playing around with the demonstration will help you experience the role of spatial attention and the importance of similarity among speakers in making the task easier or more difficult. Hits: 304 )

Learning how to learn (Bateson) By JS Atherton
For our purposes, there are two quite different traditions about learning how to learn. One stems from the Deep and Surface learning strategies studies (about responses to being taught), and the other from the work of Gregory Bateson. Bateson maintained that many discussions about learning were confused by category errors about the kind of learning they were about. He suggested that there are a number of levels, in which each superior level is the class of its subordinates (rather like Kelly's notion of superordinate and subordinate constructs). Hits: 230 )

Cognitive Dissonance and learning By JS Atherton
Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance tries to account both for some perverse aspects of learning and failure to learn, but also for readiness to learn. Hits: 216 )

Ione Fine on Neuroplasticity - Part I (video interview) By Ione Fine
n this first part of her interview, Dr. Ione Fine from the University of Washington explains the basic mechanisms underlying neural plasticity - how the brain can change in response to the specific processing demands of an individual (e.g., by building expertise, after cortical lesions early in life, etc.). The interviewer is Jade Francetich, an undergraduate student of psychology at the University of Idaho. Enjoy Hits: 255 )

David Strayer on Driver Distraction and Cell Phones (Video) By David Strayer
In this interview Dr. David Strayer from the University of Utah talks about his research on driver distraction and how cell phone use while driving impacts driving behavior. Using different empirical approaches ranging from observational studies to driving simulations in the laboratory, Dr. Strayer explains the role of inattentional blindness in the fourfold increase in crash risk when driving while talking on the cell phone. The interview was conducted at the University of Idaho by Mike Teske, beginning graduate student in human factors psychology. If you believe in multitasking without performance degradation watch this! Hits: 313 )

Working Memory Capacity Test/Demo By na
This is a small program that tests your working memory capacity for sequences of digits, shapes, or the results of simple math problems. It allows you to save the data from multiple "trials" as long as you haven't closed the program window. You can download the demo to use off-line on your own computer. Working memory is a critical, and more recent conceptualization of memory and has direct instructional relevance. Hits: 577 )

Ed Awh on Short-Term Memory Capacity (Video Interview) By Edward Awh
In this first of three video interviews Dr. Edward Awh from the University of Oregon is discussing the changes in our thinking about short-term memory capacity. Instead of the famous 7 /-2 capacity estimate by Miller, recent research using different short-term memory paradigms has shown that the actual number of items held in memory is smaller - in the range of 4 items. Hits: 243 )

Ron Rensink on Change Blindness(Video Interview) By Ron Rensink
Ron Rensink explains the change blindness paradigm and its relation to visual attention. Hits: 317 )

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