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Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning By EBC
Welcome to Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning. Start with the Explanation section to gain a good understanding of the CONCEPT of constructivism. Then go on to Demonstration, where we move from CONCEPT TO CLASSROOM! Hits: 392 )

Characteristics of Constructivist Learning & Teaching By na
Moving from constructivist philosophy, psychology and epistemology to the characterization of constructivist learning environments presents the challenge of synthesizing a large spectrum of somewhat disparate concepts. An appropriate analogy for the way in which constructivist concepts have evolved is that of a prism with many facets. While the facets reflect the same light and form one part of a whole, they nonetheless each present distinct and finely delineated boundaries. The presentation of characteristics in this section aims to remain true to this analogy in that it recognizes and attempts to represent the variety of ways in which constructivism is articulated in the literature. Situated cognition, anchored instruction, apprenticeship learning, problem-based learning, generative learning, constructionism, exploratory learning: these approaches to learning are grounded in and derived from constructivist epistemology. Each approach articulates the way in which the concepts are operationalized for learning. The researchers and theorists whose perspectives are listed below suggest links between constructivist theory and practice. They provide the beginnings of an orienting framework for a constructivist approach to design, teaching or learning. Hits: 166 )

Constructivist Learning Theory By na
One of the first things a teacher must do when considering how to teach students is to acknowledge that each student does not learn in the same way. This means that if the teacher chooses just one style of teaching (direct instruction, collaborative learning, inquiry learning, etc.), the students will not be maximizing their learning potential. Obviously, a teacher can not reach every student on the same level during one lesson, but implementing a variety of learning styles throughout the course allows all the students will have the chance to learn in at least one way that matches their learning style Hits: 172 )

How Does Constructivist Theory Differ From Other Approaches To Learning By na
As with many of the methods addressed in this series of workshops, in the constructivist classroom, the focus tends to shift from the teacher to the students. The classroom is no longer a place where the teacher ("expert") pours knowledge into passive students, who wait like empty vessels to be filled. In the constructivist model, the students are urged to be actively involved in their own process of learning. The teacher functions more as a facilitator who coaches, mediates, prompts, and helps students develop and assess their understanding, and thereby their learning. One of the teacher's biggest jobs becomes ASKING GOOD QUESTIONS. Hits: 502 )

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