Top : Diversity Crosscultural Multicultural Training:

Diversity or multucultural related training is a challenge due to the emotions often tied up in these issues. Many companies know have required diversity training initiatives. In this section you'll find help with issues encounted in the design and delivery of diversity training, and also more general content of interest to employees and decision-makers

Most Diversity Training Ineffective, Study Finds By Shankar Vedantam
Most diversity training efforts at American companies are ineffective and even counterproductive in increasing the number of women and minorities in managerial positions, according to an analysis that turns decades of conventional wisdom, government policy and court rulings on their head. new Hits: 115 )

Teaching Diversity - Stepping Forward and Back By University of Wisconsim
Diversity exercise instructions related to Full Participation in American Society, Then and Now Hits: 404 )

Diversity training activities (Note, these are not free) By Traineractive
We don't generally include material that must be purchased in our training and development library, but this site has such a large selection of activities one could use in diversity and multicultural training that we decided to include it. Hits: 304 )

Diversity Training Doesn't Work By Peter Bregman
For years, there has been debate about the value of diversity training, and perhaps it's a complex topic without a clear answer. In this HBR article Bregman states the case for the "doesn't work" camp. new Hits: 169 )

Multicultural Guide or Toolkit Summary By na
Great starting point for understanding multiculturalism and collaboration between communities. Includes bibliography, references, and discusses multicultural communication new Hits: 292 )

Teaching Diversity - An Approach for Teaching Diversity By University of Wisconsin
Excellent tips and suggestions for increasing student learning and understanding by providing well designed and delivered diversity training. Hits: 411 )

(Academic) Multicultural training: Did we forget about our racial minority students? By Derek X. Seward
Multicultural training courses are a primary preparation method employed by counselor education programs to prepare counselors for work with diverse populations (Abreu, Chung, Atkinson, 2000). However, the effectiveness of multicultural training in preparing racial minority students has been questioned. In particular, it has been mentioned that multicultural training courses fail to address the educational needs of racial minority students and have limited effectiveness in the development of cultural competence in racial minority students (Pope-Davis, Breaux, & Liu, 1997; Negy, 1999). However, there is scant empirical research to support these critiques of counseling multicultural training courses. This paper presents a rationale for empirical investigation of multicultural training courses to (1) identify racial minority student cultural learning needs and (2) determine the extent to which multicultural training courses are meeting the training needs of racial minority students. new Hits: 176 )

Employee Diversity Training Doesn't Work By Lisa Takeuchi Cullen
This article, discussing research from 2007, is probably mis-titled, but it does deal with what works and doesn't work in the field of employee diversity training: Excerpt:So what does work? The study's findings in this area were striking too: at companies that assigned a person or committee to oversee diversity, ensuring direct accountability for results, the number of minorities and women climbed 10% in the years following the appointment. Mentorships worked too, particularly for black women, increasing their numbers in management 23.5%. Most effective is the combination of all these strategies, says Dobbin. new Hits: 214 )

Teaching Diversity - Self Awareness By University of Wisconsin
Before training others in diversity trainers need to become increasingly aware of their own identities and fears as they teach about diversity issues. Read more here. Hits: 438 )

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