Top : Diversity EEO Training Exercises and Games:

Information and links to games, exercises and simulations used in diversity training, or employment equity, or affirmative action training.

Multicultural Education Awareness Quizzes By EdChange
Links to Word and PDF documents containing multicultural quizzes to examine elements such as race, gender, class, etc. Hits: 997 )

Sharing Stories: Prejudice Activity - Diversity Exercise By EdChange
Introduces concepts of prejudice and discrimination through self-reflection. Participants share stories regarding their experiences with prejudice or discrimination, as either victim or perpetrator. Hits: 562 )

Teaching Diversity - Understanding Our Social Identities By na
Form to record results of value clarification type exercises related to what is important with respect to social identities Hits: 1704 )

Teaching Diversity - Exercises and Simulations By University of Wisconsin
An overview of the use of exercises and simulations that can be used in teaching diversity issues, including reference to some common ones, and explaining the rationale for such exercises. Hits: 1449 )

Vignettes (Case Studies) and Commentaries fo Use in Diversity Training re: racial issues By na
Site contains vignettes or case studies, along with commentaries that can be integrated into diversity training. Focus is on race issues, and vignettes relate to various different origins (Latino(a), South Asian, American Asian, Arab/Muslim, African American, etc. Choose what may fit your goals and populations. As always use with care Hits: 1450 )

Cultural Bias in Intelligence Testing By na
This activity helps students become aware that so-called "intelligence" is culturally-bound and culturally defined. Attempt short IQ tests for mainstream US/Australian culture, Black-Rap 1960's culture, Australian Aboriginal culture. Ideal for class-room based education about psychology and culture, suited to older adolescents and adults. The tests are written in good humor. Hits: 1206 )

Inclusion/Exclusion Exercise By EdChange
Participants share their own experiences as students, exploring different ways people are made to feel included in, or excluded from, the learning process. The existence of different learning needs and the necessity for a wide range of teaching styles emerge. Hits: 1032 )

Circles of My Multicultural Self By EdChange
The Circles activity engages participants in a process of identifying what they consider to be the most important dimensions of their own identity, concurrently developing a deeper understanding of stereotypes as participants share stories about when they were proud to be part of a particular group and when it was especially hurtful to be associated with a particular group. Hits: 586 )

Bafa Bafa Info By na
Bafa Bafa is a well known classic game for use in multicultural training.A cross-cultural simulation activity. Involves two groups being given different sets of cultural rules to role play, then having to work out ways to communicate and solve tasks using their different cultural norms. Simulation Training Systems claims copyright. Hits: 1775 )

Exploring Language: Definitions Activity By EdChange
Considers language as a vital aspect of multicultural education and awareness. Participants discuss how they define words such as prejudice, discrimination, racism, sexism, classism and homophobia. Issues of power and institutional discrimination emerge. Hits: 539 )

Getting Started--Respect Activity (Diversity Icebreaker By EdChange
Here's instructions to an icebreaker designed to be used to kick off diversity training. Hits: 1267 )

Boy/Girl Piece (Gender Identity Exercise For Diversity Training) By EdChange
Continues self-reflective processes as participants write and share short pieces about how their gender identities were affected through childhood messages about what it meant to be a boy or a girl. This activity maintains a focus on talking about issues from one's own experience instead of their perceptions of the experiences of "those people." (Adaptible for race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, religion, and other identifiers.) Hits: 511 )

Strategies for Choosing and Using Activities and Exercises By EdExchange
You're developing a diversity workshop or facilitating an intergroup dialogue and looking for ways to engage your participants. This document lays out eight strategies for effectively selecting and incorporating activities and exercises into your programming efforts. Hits: 352 )

Knowing the Community: Sharing Activity Icebreaker By EdChange
Icebreaker that addresses the following goals.
(1) Participants will get to know the names of each person in the class, group, or community, as well as something about each person's background.
(2) Participants will have a greater understanding and appreciation for the diversity within the group, while realizing that they have things in common with some of the people they have felt most removed from.
Hits: 456 )

Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists By APA
Extensive guidelines for Psychologists working in the multicultural education field, developed by the American Psychological Association. new Hits: 134 )

Facilitating the Difficult Dialogue: Role Plays By EdChange
Teachers are often hesitant to introduce topics like racism, sexism, classism, and heterosexism in the classroom because their training has not prepared them to handle the issues and exchanges that may result. This activity provides participants an opportunity to share stories about when discussions about these topics took an unexpected turn they were unprepared to handle, then to share ideas about how to address these circumstances in the future. Hits: 632 )

Who I Am Poems (Diversity Icebreaker) By EdChange
Begins active introspective process while continuing to provide opportunities for individuals to make connections with each other. Participants write short poems, starting each line with "I am...," encouraging them to describe in their own words who they are and what's important to their identity. Hits: 1711 )

Teaching Diversity - Discovery Hunt By na
Training exercise that focuses on differences and similarities. Links to instructions in word format for the exercise. Most Read Hits: 2218 )

Understanding the Depth and Breadth of Multicultural By Edchange
Exercise can be used for people from pre K12 to teachers.Explores the definition of "multicultural," the dimensions of culture, and the consistency with which we define our culture and the cultures of others. Participants go through a series of steps to gain a better understanding of the complexity of "multicultural"ness, and are then challenged to apply this both to themselves and to how they understand each other. An extra step challenges educators to rethink their conceptualization of "Multicultural Education" based on their perceptions of their own cultural dimensions. Hits: 521 )

Name Stories (Diversity Icebreaker) By Edchange
Works toward bringing the stories of individuals to the fore in the multicultural experience. Participants write and share stories about their names and nicknames, what they mean, why they were given them, and how they relate to them. Hits: 410 )

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