Top : Group Dynamics:

So much of our work helping others learn occurs in groups of varying sizes, so it's important to develop an understanding of how groups work -- group dynamics. That's what we'll cover in this section.

Group Dynamics and Understanding Systems By Sage
Another book chapter on group dynamics and systems, from a text book. Has some practical case examples. Slightly academic, but not overwhelmingly so. new Hits: 114 )

GroupWorks: Thinking Together: Making Better Decisions in Groups By na
When was the last time you felt good helping your group decide something meaningful? Was it a simple vote, or was there good discussion beforehand? Did people understand what was being decided? Did you look at more than one possible way to solve the problem or move ahead with an opportunity? Did everyone have a chance to talk? Did you talk about the obvious issues as well as those that are sometimes %u201Cundiscussable%u201D in your group? Was there a sense of celebration when you finally made the decision? Debate versus dialogue Did you know that the word debate comes from the French %u201Cto beat%u201D? Even %u201Cdiscussion%u201D comes from a root word meaning %u201Cto break things up.%u201D In contrast, the word dialogue has a meaning more like %u201C. . . a free flow of meaning among all participants.%u201D1 Box 1 illustrates some of the differences between debate and dialogue. Groups that aim for dialogue in making decisions believe they have heard more than facts. They have a greater understanding about the meaning of the facts, experiences and feelings shared in the process of making a decision. Hits: 179 )

Teaching Activities For Group Dynamics (including downloadable) By Donelson Forsythe
Forsythe outlines the various kinds of activities one can use for teaching about group dynamics, plus there's a great detailed downloadable. new Hits: 74 )

Group Dynamics Introductory Chapter By Donelson Forsythe
Group dynamics primer, great for experienced group leaders or beginners, it walks you through a better understanding of what constitutes a group vs. other collections of people. Some may find it a bit academic or theoretical. new Hits: 108 )

The Hawthorne, Pygmalion, Placebo and other effects of expectation By Stepen W. Draper
Absolutely AMAZING material on various factors that can affect what seems to be reasonably well done research. Highly recommended for everyone, to understand what they read in the research arena. Hits: 171 )

Group Dynamics By na
Good 10 page intro to group dynamics and how groups form (form, storm...) made available by a government agency in canada. In pdf Hits: 243 )

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Pages Updated On: 25-Feb-2014 - 08:20:13
Bad Resources Removed Dec. 10, 2012

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