Top : Informal Learning:
Is it a new buzzword with no value? Or is it a significant concept for trainers and learners? We'll cover all aspects of informal learning through these hand selected articles.
All of a sudden a number of researchers and policy pundits have rediscovered "informal learning". But is there really such a thing? In this feature we explore the theory and practice of 'informal learning' and 'non-formal learning', and the emerging critique.
If you read about informal learning through the various gurus, you'd think it's a great concept. But there is growing criticism, and well deserved criticism of the concept. Here's a start.
Hits: 135 )In this piece the authors provide a very helpful overview of different discourses around non-formal and informal learning and find that there are few, if any, learning situations where either informal or formal elements are completely absent. Boundaries or relationships between informal, non-formal and formal learning can only be understood within particular contexts. They conclude that it is often more helpful to examine dimensions of formality and informality, and ways in which they inter-relate with each other; and that attention should be paid to the wider historical, social, political and economic contexts of learning, and to the theoretical view of learning that is held by the writer. Hits: 221 )
In this piece the author explores informal learning as an administrative concept; the competing claims of "non-formal education; the significance of tacit knowledge; and the production of social knowledge through distributed and situated learning. Author argue that the most useful way of exploring and developing what is a fundamental area of human endeavour, is to put "informal learning" on one side for the moment Hits: 151 )
Alan Rogers explores the confused usage of the terms non-formal and informal education and suggests a way forward. Hits: 145 )
Interest in informal learning by the training function is tangible and growing. The 2008 ASTD State of the Industry report contained a special survey section on informal learning. Hits: 213 )
Stephen Billett critiques some assumptions shaping current discourses on workplace learning and proposes that these assumptions restrict how workplace learning is conceptualised and discussed. In particular, he focus on how describing workplace learning environments and experiences as %u2018informal%u2019 and that %u2018informal learning%u2019 occurs in workplaces constrains understanding about how learning occurs through work and, consequently, the development of a workplace pedagogy Hits: 172 )
A critique of Jay Cross' book on informal learning done over five days. Why five days? Because the informal learning model that Cross advocates is just plain bad. Maybe it's his version of informal learning but I was not all persuaded that this is the future of learning. Informal learning is just another hype-filled, buzzword that pretends to be a radical change from the past but is really bits-and-pieces of other learning methods badly packaged. Hits: 347 )
Within policy debates a common differentiation has been made between different forms of provision. Informal, non-formal, and formal programmes have been viewed as very different. Here we explore this categorization and some of the forms of work that exist under the non-formal label in southern countries. Hits: 154 )
As our first entry in this section on informal learning, we include the wikipeadia entry for the term. Hits: 430 )
This is not atypical of the material on informal learning. See if you are able to identify the unstated biases that underlie the article (we all have them) and decide if these biases in fact result in a misinterpretation of data and facts. Here's a starter statement: "This paper addresses how organizations, particularly business organizations, can get more done." Hits: 271 )
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