Instructional Design and Training Delivery Skills

Instructional design processes can range from the superficial and oversimplied right through to very complex, depending on the skills and abilities of the person doing the design.

So, here's a question: Do those that deliver training, and don't have responsibility to actually design instruction need to have design skills.

Trainers NEED Instructional Design Skills

These days, many practicing trainers lack any instructional design skills, or for that matter, anything more than a passing familiarity with how people learn. That's because there are no barriers to entrance into the "profession".

Sadly, that leave those trainers somewhat hamstrung when it comes to doing anything but the training that's "given to them" from premade packages, and that leads to live delivery that is inflexible, and cannot meet the needs of the real learners in attendance.

Instructional design skills aren't just applied prior to training, or even in a revision cycle, but without the understanding of both teaching and learning methods and practices the trainer is unable to make effective decisions DURING training.

Sales training, no matter how good, can't turn someone who has no aptitude or comfort with sales, in to a top producer.

What it can do is turn weak salespeople into average ones, and average ones into better ones. And for the "sales naturals", they might benefit too, but they are already the top earners.

Fortunately, evaluating the return on investment for training salespeople is probably the easiest ROI task in training, since measures are often made in terms of volume and revenue.

But you have to watch out, because individual improvements in sales numbers, may not indicate successful training, but successful sabotage of co-workers.

Just something to think about. Part of sales training should be about the skills required to increase individual sales, but another component should address how each person could and should be contributing to the success of the entire sales force.

Top : Instructional Design :

Training that is planned and designed properly is much more likely to be effective and perceived as useful by learners. There are various instructional design models and processes training designers can use to guide their creative processes. Here are some resources on instructional design models and approaches.

The ASSURE Model of Instructional Design By Heinich, Molenda, Russell, Smaldino
The ASSURE model is an ISD (Instructional Systems Design) process that was modified to be used by teachers in the regular classroom The ISD process is one in which teachers and trainers can use to design and develop the most appropriate learning environment for their students. You can use this process in writing your lesson plans and in improving teaching and learning. (Very short summary of key points) Hits: 195 )

How Teachers Learn Technology Best By Jamie McKenzie
An overview of the key design principles to govern the development of effective adult learning programs for widespread use of new technologies. Hits: 680 )

Rapid Instructional Design Strategies By Thiagi
Here's an indepth article from Thiagi covering 20 strategies on which to base your rapid instructional design process. Like Thiagi's other material, ever useful and information packed Hits: 545 )

Dick and Carey Instructional Design Model By Lee and Lee
Good summarized explanation of Dick and Carey's Instructional Design Model, including descriptions of the nine iterative stages. Hits: 136 )

ADDIE Model of Instructional Design By na
One of the better know models for instructional design. Summary: The ADDIE model is a systematic instructional design model consisting of five phases: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. Various flavors and versions of the ADDIE model exist. Hits: 304 )

Why We Need Instructional Design More Than Ever By Allison Rossett
(includes video presentation on topic) In spite of gripes about relevance, congruence with new technology, and sluggishness, I remain an instructional design fan. Why? ID is not perfect, but it is what we have, and it does tame the chaos that surrounds us to some extent. I'm one of those people who appreciates the good old days of ID. Then we were devoted to clear and articulated outcomes, matching strategies to them, and provision of worked examples with lots of practice and feedback new Hits: 210 )

The Most Effective Use Of Instructional Games By n a
The person who reaps the most rewards from the use of instructional games is the person who designed the game. This short article will show you how to make the most of this fact in your course design. Hits: 1012 )

Professional Development That Works By Jamie McKenzie
An overview of the ten most important lessons we have learned about creating effective professional development programs. Hits: 789 )

What Everybody Ought to Know About Instructional Design By Tom Kuhlmann
Nifty approach to the subject of where instructional designers fit -- their roles, but what most interesting is the inclusion of a video, and some thought provoking "exercises" to get the point across. new Hits: 417 )

Definitions of Instructional Design By na
Some very short definitions of terms related to instructional design that may be useful if you need such a thing. Hits: 149 )

ARCS Model of Motivational Design (Keller) By na
Summary: According to John Keller’s ARCS Model of Motivational Design, there are four steps for promoting and sustaining motivation in the learning process: Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction (ARCS) Hits: 257 )

Social constructivist instructional design? By Claire Major
Interesting post that suggests we should use more of a social constructivist approach to instructional design, since almost all other models are based on a cognitive science approach. new Hits: 221 )

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Pages Updated On: 25-Feb-2014 - 08:20:13

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