Top : Learning 2point0:

It's another one of those terms connected with training that makes sense to some, and seems like noxious vapid use of language by others, but we include it here. Find out what Learning 2.0 might mean, if anything at all.

Is E-Learning 2.0 For Real? ~ Stephen's Web ~ by Stephen Downes By na
I have been participating in an online forum called the "Learning 2.0 Summit," a discussion that is (ironically) invisible to the wider web. Participants include people like Jay Cross, Robin Good, Mark Oehlert, Howard Rheinhgold, George Siemens, and a couple dozen more. This article collects some of my posts to date in that discussion. Hits: 129 )

Learning 2.0: fad, new pedagogical, or something else? By n.a
The term “Learning 2.0” has recently been thrown around as if it were a software package that one can upload into the brain to achieve new understanding. Although there is no such magical fountain of wisdom, there are real promises of efficiency and effectiveness in “Learning 2.0”. This article defines Learning 2.0 in terms of established learning theory and identifies the opportunities it offers and the challenges it poses. Hits: 141 )

Learnerprise 2.0: Why Learning 2.0 & Enterprise 2.0 Should Align | trainingwreck By na
Study after study tells us that our corporate training investment budget ratio is backwards. Most of the dollars are spent on formal events such as ILT classroom and eLearning rather than informal and social learning concepts or initiatives. Ironically, the real benefit is felt moreso during informal and/or social learning exchanges. Which brings me to Learnerprise 2.0. Hits: 167 )

eLearn: Feature Article - E-learning 2.0 By Stephen Downes
E-learning as we know it has been around for ten years or so. During that time, it has emerged from being a radical idea—the effectiveness of which was yet to be proven—to something that is widely regarded as mainstream. It's the core to numerous business plans and a service offered by most colleges and universities. And now, e-learning is evolving with the World Wide Web as a whole and it's changing to a degree significant enough to warrant a new name: E-learning 2.0. Hits: 195 )

e-learning 2.0: All You Need To Know By na
We've covered this topic extensively on Read/WriteWeb - and so we're pleased to bring you this overview of e-learning 2.0, including the leading web apps and sites in this niche, and predictions for its future. Hits: 149 )

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