Top : MOOC -Massive Online Open Courses:
In this section you'll find resources addressing MOOC's, Massive Online Open Courses. These are free university and college courses taken online, but for no credit. Strengths? Weaknesses?
That's what The New York Times suggested today, drawing on new research from the University of Pennsylvania. But as the Times also acknowledged, in some ways MOOCs (short for massive open online courses) show great promise. According to the research, conducted by Penn's Graduate School of Education, only about half of the people who register for MOOCs even look at a single lecture, and an average of just 4% of enrollees complete the courses. In some classes, just 2% of students finish. The Penn research tracked 1 million students of 16 MOOCs offered by Penn professors through a for-profit company called Coursera. new Hits: 135 )
A look at Coursera, and whether offering university level courses will, and is working. One point made: That universities are not necessarily the best at teaching. Interesting point. new Hits: 118 )
e year ago, many were pointing to the growth of massive open online courses, or MOOCs, as the most important trend in higher education. Many saw the rapid expansion of MOOCs as a higher education revolution that would help address two long-vexing problems: access for underserved students and cost. In theory, students saddled by rising debt and unable to tap into the best schools would be able to take free classes from rock star professors at elite schools via Udacity, edX, Coursera and other MOOC platforms. But if 2012 was the "Year of the MOOC," as The New York Times famously called it, 2013 might be dubbed the year that online education fell back to earth. Faculty at several institutions rebelled against the rapid expansion of online learning -- and the nation's largest MOOC providers are responding. new Hits: 117 )
A bit distressing that Stanford's Pres. thinks MOOC's are too hard, but that seems to be his take. new Hits: 99 )
MOOC's haven't delivered on their promise as learning tools on a wide scale. Here are 4 tips about how one can make MOOC's work. new Hits: 106 )
MOOC's from a business perspective. There are a number of challenges in starting up companies to deliver MOOC's to the world on a wise scale. Here they are. new Hits: 78 )
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