Guide To Training Methods and Learning Activites

Trainers use a wide variety of learning activites and exercises to promote learning. It's critical that trainers master the "tools of the trade", since exercises and activites that are incorrectly used just use up valuable training time, and can even interfere with job performance once learners return to the workplace.

We've gathered together hand-picked information about what the various training tools entail, and how to use them properly. Whether it's brainstorming, group work, or even simple things like icebreakers and energizers, you'll find guides to their correct use in training seminars.

Top : Training Methods and Activities :

Trainers have many tools to use to help create learning, from various small group techniques, to questioning and one-to-one methods, to traditional lectures and use of audio-visuals technology. In this section we'll provide hints and tips for each. We limit the number of entries to reduce duplicate information.

Exercises and Activities For Teaching Group Dynamics By Donelson Forsythe
If you teach group dynamics do NOT miss this incredible goldmine of learning activities and exercises. PDF downloadable. new Hits: 81 )

Instructional Methods - Advantages and Disadvantages By AdPrima
Short synopsis of a wide range of instructional methods and learning activities that provides advantages and disadvantages of each. Hits: 143 )

Compare & Contrast By na
Compare and Contrast is used to highlight similarities and differences between to things. It is a process where the act of classification is practiced. It is effectively used in conjunction with indirect instructional methods, but can also be used directly to teach vocabulary signals, classification, nomenclature and key characteristics. It is often presented in either written text paragraphs or a chart. Its most common use is as a graphic organizer of content. new Hits: 133 )

Jigsaw As An Instructional Method By na
Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that enables each student of a %u201Chome%u201D group to specialize in one aspect of a learning unit. Students meet with members from other groups who are assigned the same aspect, and after mastering the material, return to the %u201Chome%u201D group and teach the material to their group members. Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, each piece--each student's part--is essential for the completion and full understanding of the final product. If each student's part is essential, then each student is essential. That is what makes the Jigsaw instructional strategy so effective. new Hits: 202 )

44 call centre training tips By Kevin Stillwell
There has never been a better time to train our call centre staff. We asked for training tips and have been amazed by the response. Here are the 44 great tips we were sent%u2026 Hits: 399 )

What should be considered when choosing instructional methods and strategies (Part I)? By Robert Bacal
When designing and planning training, trainers and designers need to consider a number of factors when deciding on what training and learning activities should be included. Here's a rundown of factors to think about Hits: 119 )

Instructional Strategies Online - Alphabetized Listing of Instructional Methods By U. of Sask.
A gateway to more information about a wide range of instructional strategies and learning activities that includes a number of activities that most trainers have never heard of. Hits: 136 )

Body Language Exercise Collection By na
These exercises are designed to help students tune in to the subtleties of body language and what they might mean about interpersonal behavior. Hits: 430 )

Confidence Based Learning By Barbar Pytel
Thomas Frey holds out hope that Confidence-Based Learning may be the key to significantly reduce time that it takes to learn new things. Learn a little more about CBL. Hits: 205 )

Drill & Practice By na
As an instructional strategy, drill & practice is familiar to all educators. It "promotes the acquisition of knowledge or skill through repetitive practice." It refers to small tasks such as the memorization of spelling or vocabulary words, or the practicing of arithmetic facts and may also be found in more sophicated learning tasks or physical education games and sports. Drill-and-practice, like memorization, involves repetition of specific skills, such as addition and subtraction, or spelling. To be meaningful to learners, the skills built through drill-and-practice should become the building blocks for more meaningful learning. new Hits: 174 )

Overview of Concept Formation As An Instructional Technique By na
Concept formation provides students with an opportunity to explore ideas by making connections and seeing relationships between items of information. This method can help students develop and refine their ability to recall and discriminate among key ideas, to see commonalities and identify relationships, to formulate concepts and generalizations, to explain how they have organized data, and to present evidence to support their organization of the data involved. new Hits: 127 )

Case Studies - Valuable Tool For Teaching and Training By na
Case studies are stories or scenarios, often in narrative form, created and used as a tool for analysis and discussion. They have a long tradition of use in higher education particularly in business and law. Cases are often based on actual events which adds a sense of urgency or reality. Case studies have elements of simulations but the students are observers rather than participants. A good case has sufficient detail to necessitate research and to stimulate analysis from a variety of viewpoints or perspectives. They place the learner in the position of problem solver. Students become actively engaged in the materials discovering underlying issues, dilemmas and conflict issues. new Hits: 192 )

Cognitive Apprenticeship - Collins, et al. By na
Effective teachers "involve" students in learning as apprentices: they work alongside students and/or set up situations that will cause students to begin to work on problems even before fully understanding them. A key aspect of an "apprenticeship" approach to teaching involves breaking the problem into parts so that students are challenged to master as much of a task as they are ready to handle. In addition, teachers are encouraged to provide students with varying kinds of practice situations before moving on to more challenging tasks, allowing an understanding that surpasses the use of formulas. Hits: 149 )

Beyond Simulation - Into Dissimulation By n a
Learn more about dissimulation as a training technique. The author shares some thoughts to help you determine whether dissimulation is a viable training technique for you to use. Hits: 405 )

Reviewing by Doing By Roger Greenaway
'Active reviewing' is not necessarily any better nor any more 'advanced' than reviewing by talking. If the discussion after an adventure is an engaging one and is helping young people to learn from their experience, then it is probably best not to interrupt the 'flow' with an 'active review technique' (or with a new activity). But having an extensive and varied 'toolkit' of active reviewing techniques does increase the chances of finding a suitable method (or combination of methods) for making the best use of time spent reviewing. Hits: 142 )

Concept Maps For Creating Understanding By na
A concept map is a special form of a web diagram for exploring knowledge and gathering and sharing information. Concept mapping is the strategy employed to develop a concept map. A concept map consists of nodes or cells that contain a concept, item or question and links. The links are labeled and denote direction with an arrow symbol. The labeled links explain the relationship between the nodes. The arrow describes the direction of the relationship and reads like a sentence. new Hits: 202 )

A good overview and help with using various kinds of small group techniques. While the article deals with community development applications, it may stimulate your thinking about the use of small group techniques and training. Hits: 222 )

A Cognitive Apprenticeship for Disadvantaged Students By Allan Collins Jan Hawkins Sharon M. Carver
cognitive apprenticeship, refers to the focus of the learning-through-guided experience in cognitive skills and processes, rather than physical ones. Although we do not wish to draw a major theoretical distinction between the learning of physical and cognitive skills, there are differences that have practical implications for the organization of teaching and learning activities. Most importantly, traditional apprenticeship has evolved to teach domains in which the process of carrying out target skills is external, and thus readily available to both student and teacher for observation, comment, refinement, and correction, and bears a relatively transparent relationship to concrete products. The externalization of relevant processes and methods makes possible such characteristics of apprenticeship as its reliance on observation as a primary means of building a conceptual model of a complex target skill. And the relatively transparent relationship, at all stages of production, between process and product facilitates the learner's recognition and diagnosis of errors, upon which the early development of self-correction skill depends. Hits: 149 )

Evaluate Training Games With This Checklist By n a
Depending on the training objective and the characteristics of the participants, different items may be more relevant than the others. Use the checklist to choose among different training games and activities. Also use it to evaluate and improve your own creations. Hits: 458 )

Overview of Indirect Instruction By na
In contrast to the direct instruction strategy, indirect instruction is mainly student-centered, although the two strategies can complement each other. Indirect instruction seeks a high level of student involvement in observing, investigating, drawing inferences from data, or forming hypotheses. It takes advantage of students' interest and curiosity, often encouraging them to generate alternatives or solve problems. new Hits: 293 )

Explicit Teaching By na
Explicit teaching involves directing student attention toward specific learning in a highly structured environment. It is teaching that is focused on producing specific learning outcomes. Topics and contents are broken down into small parts and taught individually. It involves explanation, demonstration and practise. Children are provided with guidance and structured frameworks. Topics are taught in a logical order and directed by the teacher. Another important characteristic of explicit teaching involves modeling skills and behaviours and modeling thinking. This involves the teacher thinking out loud when working through problems and demonstrating processes for students. The attention of students is important and listening and observation are key to success. new Hits: 136 )

Trading Places By Mel Silberman
This techniques allows participants to get acquainted; exchange opinions; and consider new ideas, values, or solutions to problems. It is a great way to promote self-disclosure or an active exchange of viewpoints. Hits: 509 )

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