Active Learning - A Redundent Concept In Training?

Active learning refers to learning where the focus is on learner centric activities rather than lecture. No doubt it emerged as a reaction to straight lecture where, at least on the surface, students sat, appearing to be passive and inactive.

Nowadays, I think most professional trainers understand that learning requires some activity on the learner's part. although that training may involve visible actions, AND/OR cognitive activity.

In fact, even lectures can be active, although the activity occurs in the learners' heads.

It may be that at this point in history, the term "active learning" is unnecessary, and needs to pass into oblivion, since it's no longer a concept that results in more learning. Neither is it accurate in cognitive terms.

Top : Training Methods and Activities : Active Learning :

Active learning refers to a family of instructional methods based on the premise that learning in training improves as the learner is more active. This is partly true. Here's some information on active learning and the techniques associated with it.

Active and Cooperative Learning (explanation plus gateway to activities) By JJ McConnell
Active learning is the process of involving students in the learning process through reading, writing, acting, moving, problem solving, discussing, etc. Involving students in the process gives them a deeper understanding of the material and leads to higher order thinking about class materials. After having incorporated active learning in my classes, I have become a strong advocate for active learning. Hits: 283 )

Active and Coopeative Learning Techniques (Explanations PLUS Exercises) By Paulson & Faust
Explanation of active and cooperative learning plus a number of techniques ready to use. Excellent. Hits: 354 )

Active Learning Vs. Covering The Syllabus By Richard M. Felder and Rebecca Brent
Find out how it is possible to use active learning during training and still cover your syllabus. Also learn some tips for dealing with large classes. Hits: 275 )

Active Reviewing By Roger Greenaway
Active reviewing improves our ability to learn from experience. Most active reviewing is simple, basic and direct. Used wisely it can enliven and sharpen the process of reviewing experience. Hits: 160 )

The Art of Reviewing By Roger Greenaway
Learning is a creative process. Facilitating learning is at least as creative. It is an art. When reviewing experience it sometimes pays to follow clearly sequenced models, but the best reviews often flow from intuitive judgements about what will work best. This paper aims to help you develop the quality of your intuitive judgement without abandoning your favourite model for reviewing. Hits: 168 )

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Pages Updated On: 25-Feb-2014 - 08:20:25

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