Cooperative Learning - Education and Training Without Competition

Educational systems tend to mirror the values and beliefs existing in the general society, and most cultures stress the competitive nature of the world, particularly the job world. As a result our schools tend to be based on an implicit model of competition based on the theory of limited resources. The most blatant examples of this competitive environment can be seen in many standardized tests, where the results are stated in percentiles -- ie. where one ranks relative to all other takers of the test.

Cooperative Learning Focuses On Teamwork, and Working Together To Learn

The cooperative learning movement focuses on both learning content, and also on learning how to work with others, thus attempting to teach important social and problem solving skills to students. Often, learning activities involve working in groups, where the success of group members is tied to the success of the group.

About Company

Bacal & Associates is a small training, consulting and publishing company specializing in customer service, communication, performance management, and other management challenges.

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Our Related Sites

It Takes A Village To Teach A Child
For teachers, educational administrators and parents.

All About The Workplace
Our main site with over 400 articles on life in the workplace.

Improving Customer Service
Dedicated to improving customer service, and customer service strategies for business

Small Business Resource Center
For all things related to small business owners and those considering starting a small business


We believe in a lean, information packed user experience. We limit the use of graphics and stress quality content. We also believe in a NO HYPE environment. Our product and service descriptions are free of overblown claims, and selling.

Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    (613) 764-0241
  • Email:
    [email protected]
  • Address:
    722 St. Isidore Rd.
    Casselman, Ontario, Canada
  • K0A 1M0
