Top : Training and Learning Myths:

Training and education fields seem to collect a lot of supposed facts that are, in fact, not true. Here you'll find some of them.

Believing Adults Will Act Like Adults When In Learning Situations - Stupid Trainer Tricks By Robert Bacal
Inexperienced trainers tend to have a somewhat idealized view of how adults will behave in training. The expectation is that they will act like... well, act like adults. Hits: 260 )

Stupid Trainer Tricks - Believing All Adults Are Self-Directed Learners By Robert Bacal
Adult learning principles, as presented by Malcolm Knowles are very commonly used by trainers as the bedrock of their activities. We'll be critiquing these elsewhere, but one major problem is that they describe adult learners in an idealized way Hits: 220 )

The "I'm Just Giving Them What They Want" Syndrome By Robert Bacal
It's easy for trainers to fall into the trap of giving the client what he or she asks for. For example, a client comes to Trainer John and says: "We need a full day of training on communication skills, since poor communication is the cause of many of our problems in this company." Trainer John replies: "Ok. Sure, I can do that. When do you want the seminar?" And off they go. Hits: 426 )

Retention Rates - Hearing, Doing, Seeing - A Training and Learning Myth By Robert Bacal
So, the upshot is that if you are a trainer or instructional designer, you should not necessarily focus on "learning by doing", but on generating attention, motivation, and thinking about what is to be learned. If you do that retention will improve Hits: 384 )

Learning Styles Not A Good Tool For Trainers To Use To Increase Learning In Training - Training Myth By Robert Bacal
Learning styles have garnered a great deal of interest from trainers, and while they are interesting, trainers tend to overvalue the importance of taking learning styles into account when designing or delivering training. The matching of training methods to learning styles is often a dead end, and wasted effort. Here's why. Hits: 216 )

Trainers Do Not Motivate Learners, Cannot Motivate Learners, and Should Not Motivate - Myth? By Robert Bacal
It's mostly myth, this perspective on trainers and their role in motivating. However, it depends on how one defines motivation. Hits: 371 )

Stupid Trainer Tricks - Not Having Enough In-Depth Knowledge of the Subject By Robert Bacal
Sometimes trainers simply do not know enough about their subject matter to be effective trainers. There are two reasons for this. The trainer or organizations subscribes to the myth that anybody with training skills can teach any topic to anyone. Or, a trainer agrees to deliver training in a subject area he or she is unqualified in for business reasons, ignorance, or is simply told to do so by his or her boss. Hits: 196 )

Training Mistakes - Making Excuses and Refusing Responsibility When Learning Does Not Occur During Training By Robert Bacal
Can a principle that is TRUE actually result in problematic action if it is followed? Yes, indeed. It turns out that a common mistake made by trainers (and teachers) comes from following a principle that is absolutely true. Hits: 230 )

The "It Was A Bad Group" Syndrome - Common Trainer Mistake By Robert Bacal
If you've done any amount of training, you will realize that some groups are easy to work with. Participants can be eager to learn from the training seminar, be active when you want them to be active, non-disruptive and helpful. But that's not always the case. Sometimes some or many participants in the group attending a seminar want to be somewhere else, don't want to participate in activities, are relatively inert, and so on. Hits: 256 )

Challenging the myths about learning and training in small and medium-sized enterprises : implications for public policy? Research By David Ashton, Johnny Sung, Arwen Raddon, Trevor Riordan
Draws on the results of recent research on the process of skills learning and training in small enterprises as a way of exploring some of the implications for policy makers and their advisers. Hits: 301 )

Dangerous Training Tricks - Confusing Training With Therapy By Robert Bacal
Because many trainers lack significant education in psychology or other social sciences, and because both training and therapy have at least one common theme (helping people learn), it's not uncommon for trainers to be unable to draw the line between training (an area they may be competent in), and therapy (an area they are almost certainly not competent in). Hits: 320 )

Trainers Do Not Need To Know Much About The Subject They Are Teaching - Myth or Truth? By Robert Bacal
There are a significant number of trainers, training departments, and companies that deliver training on a large scale, that either believe, or act like they believe that trainers do not have to be experts in the topics they are teaching or training. Hits: 230 )

Reading Rockets: Ten Myths About Learning to Read By S. Wren
There are many beliefs and a great deal of dogma associated with reading acquisition, and people are often reluctant to let go of their beliefs despite contradictory research evidence. Here are 10 of the most popular and most potentially pernicious myths that influence reading education. Hits: 548 )

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