In addition to the other learning tools and resources on this site, we've added this section that presents to you, videos, and video excerpts available free of charge on the Internet, and related to training, group facilitation, and team related (ie. team development and team building). All videos listed here have been handpicked, but be aware that not all videos will meet your specific needs.
New and Special:
Albert Bandura - 90 Minute Presentation -2007
Learning Styles Don't Exist - Professor Daniel Willingham describes research showing that learning styles are a mythLearning and Teaching
Personality Styles, Learning Styles Videos
- The Sixteen Myers-Briggs Personality Types Explained In Video
- Video - Audio - Kinesthetic Styles Explained In Video (learning styles)
- What Learning Style Are You?
E-Learning and Distance Learning Videos
- Training the Trainer - Nortel LearniT (Elearning and Instructional Design)
- E-Teaching - Using it to teach music
- Sustainable E-Learning Strategies
- E-Learning For Life (focus on public schools)
- Chance Carpenter discusses video and eLearning
- Content Light E-Learning: Less is more
Teams, Teamwork and Groups
Training Videos On Specific Topics
Selling and Sales Training for Entrepreneurs ( Persuasion Techniques)
Presentations, Speeches, and Public Speaking
Training, Learning, Group Facilitation and Team Related Free Videos