Top : Learning Objectives and Goals:

Writing and using learning objectives is an important part of both instructional design and delivery. Writing good instructional objectives is also hard than one thinks. Here's some help.

Revised Bloom's Taxonomy By Mary Forehand
It's simple. It's old. It's revised now. Bloom's taxonomy has been updated, supposedly to take into account our 2000 era. Is it better? You decide, but regardless of which versions of taxonomies you use, they can really help in setting goals and instructional design. Hits: 290 )

A Quick Guide to Learning Objectives By Don Clark
Additional material on how to write effective learning objectives. Hits: 417 )

Another excellent resource/aid that outlines Mager's approach to writing instructional objectives. Hits: 206 )

Developing Objectives By Don Clark
Good overview of learning objectives, writing them, and tying them to task analysis. Hits: 468 )

Instructional Goals and Objectives By Brett Bixler
A shorter, note form coverage of how to write proper instructional objectives. Nicely done. Hits: 230 )

Adapted from Mager's "Preparing Instructional Objectives, here's an excellent explanation and guide to using instructional objectives, and how to write them properly. Recommended! Hits: 252 )

A Quick Guide to Learning Objectives By Don Clark
It's a quick overview or reminder about learning or instructional objectives. It's not really a guide, but it's useful Hits: 295 )

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Pages Updated On: 25-Feb-2014 - 08:20:19
Bad Resources Removed Dec. 10, 2012

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