Top : Memory:

It's ironic that memory is one of the most studied aspects of learning, but it's almost never discussed in training circles except in the most superficial ways. That's probably because the research and study of memory tends to be a bit technical, which many trainers prefer to avoid, because it's hard work. We'll cover this essential field here.

Human Memory Model By na
Scientists do not yet understand many things about human memory and many of the ideas and theories about it are still quite controvercial.%uFFFD The following discussion emphasizes some of the more widely agreed upon ideas.%uFFFD For instance, most scientists agree that it is very useful to describe human memory as a set of STORES which are "places" to put information, plus a set of PROCESSES that that act on the stores. Hits: 161 )

Memory By na
Decent primer on human memory suitable for those with little background in psychology, but also contains references and citations Hits: 282 )

Memory By JS Atherton
Memory is of course central to learning, which could not happen without it: indeed “memorising” is a synonym for the lowest levels of rote learning. The diagram to the right illustrates schematically the current view of memory, based on the model of Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). Input of sensory information starts at the top, goes through “sensory memory” or a “sensory buffer” into short-term memory (STM), and hence to long-term memory (LTM). Hits: 218 )

Memory - Excellent Article To Start By JS Atherton
Memory is a very complex topic, much researched and at the heart of the “cognitive revolution”: what follows is therefore even less reliable than usual, but it has been filtered and distilled with the needs of teachers in mind: please go elsewhere for a synoptic view, such as Gross (1996) ch 12; Rose (1993) Hits: 222 )

Instant Replay - Building Long-term Memory By Kate Melville
Princeton scientists have discovered a key mechanism the brain uses to transfer short-term memories into permanent storage, a finding that could have broad implications for understanding how the brain maintains long-term stability. Researchers led by neuroscientist Joe Tsien found that the brain appears to have a system of repeatedly replaying and reinforcing the same cellular event that led to the initial formation of a memory. The reinforcement is critical for creating the cell-to-cell connections that constitute long-term memories, the researchers found. Hits: 170 )

Classics in the History of Psychology -- Ebbinghaus (1885/1913) Chapter 1 By Ebbinghaus
First chapter in a book on memory from Ebbinghaus published in 1885. Entire book available. This is classic work on memory meaningful stimuli Hits: 152 )

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